So let’s say you’re out looking at several Omaha basement contractors to get a bid on your basement finishing.

You’ll get numbers all over the place from the low end to the high end of pricing.

Most basement companies in Omaha will actually offer fixed pricing. Many homeowners don’t realize that there is an alternative through cost-plus pricing.

What exactly is cost-plus basement pricing?

In short, we charge a fixed percentage of the overall cost of the project. We will determine at the early stages the exact estimate of your project and calculate a management fee percentage on top of that. So whether you choose a $300 microwave or a $3000 microwave, we don’t stand to make any more.

So while fixed pricing is a good option, here’s why you should consider a cost-plus basement pricing:

More Control

As a homeowner, you always get to call the shots (outside from building code rules, etc.). This means that while you may have a certain budget allowance for lighting, you may find a better option at Wayfair. Great! You purchase those lights and then we can adjust scope accordingly.

This is especially advantageous for homeowners who are savvy shoppers and like to be involved in the process.

Complete Transparency

This is an open book process. You get to see what we pay the subcontractors or vendors and so you know that we’re not marking up pricing. This is what we mean if we ever talk about “true pricing.”

Plus, we get the builder pricing on most things and pass those savings directly to you.

Additionally, changes are a much more seamless process because you often know the price differences in any upgrades you make. So you’re negotiating with your spouse (and not us).


Interested in a refreshing basement contractor relationship? One with transparent pricing, proactive communication, and more flexibility.

Fill out our contact form to get started!